Jam iyyat Dawa Tabligul Islam better known as JDT Islam is a chronicable educational institution, established in 1992. It is a registered society forwarded for interference and care of the orphans and destitude children across country.
The journey of JDT Islam across glorious 100 plus years is , transforming towards of orphans and needy students. JDT Islam orphanage has received the first ISO 9001-2000 certification fororphanages in India during the year 2005. Adding feather to the cap JDT Islam received national award for child welfare in 2011.
Under JDT Islam orphanage committee there are 26 institutions various from schools , colleges , polytechnic, professional colleges etc
JDT Islam College of Nursing was established in the year 2005.BSc Nursing ( Bachelor of science in Nursing ) a four year degree programme started with an annual take of 50 students under University of Calicut. P A Vilasini C was the founder principal of JDT Islam college of Nursing (2005-2007 )
Organisation chart of the College of Nursing is illustrated the reporting relationships, roles, and hierarchy within the College, to view Click here

Excellence in nursing education and service to humanity and to train and mould clinically competent and knowledgeable nurses with inculcated human values to meet the global requirements.

To train, and mould clinically competent, and knowledgeable nurses with inculcated human values to meet the global requirements.
To make learning an exciting experience that inspires learners to reach their full potential as lifelong learners.
To train young professionals for leadership to respond to the health care needs of the public.
To foster synergy and integration between research, education and practice by promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and partnership.
core value
The BSc Nursing course is grounded in fundamental core values that shape the education and training of nursing students. These values help prepare them for providing high-quality, compassionate, and ethical healthcare Key values include:
Compassion: Students are taught to care for patients with empathy and understanding, addressing their holistic needs—physical, emotional, and psychological.
Professionalism: Upholding ethical standards, accountability, and integrity in academic, clinical, and professional settings is a central focus of the course.

Affiliation JDT Islam College of Nursing was affiliated to University of Calicut as University Centre from 2005 to 2009 followed by Kerala University of Health Sciences from 2013 onwards the courses are related by regulated by Kerala nurses and made by made by Council and Indian dancing council websites are as follows,
Kerala University of Health Sciences http://kuhs.ac.in/
Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council https://www.knmc.org/
Indian Nursing Council https://www.indiannursingcouncil.org/



Explore the available facilities

The Library of College of Nursing is fully equipped and spacious with an excellent collection of authentic reference books (4000+ +) and large number of national and international journals. Spacious reading hall with plenty of broad band connections for internet use make the library the heart of this academic campus. Periodically all the new books are added to the library to update the knowledge resource. Library is open from 08:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m. everyday to enable students and faculty to utilize the facilities to the maximum.

Preclinical Lab:- The college boasts of a well equipped preclinical lab with various equipment and manikins for familiarization with nursing skills before the actual clinical practice in hospital.

Student's Hostel
JDT Islam college of Nursing is attached with 200+ capacity ladies hostel with all the necessary facilities for comfortable accommodation of students. The hostel is situated in the same academic campus and is equipped with facilities for diversional activities.

Co-curricular Activities
The College of Nursing promotes co-curricular activities to ensure all round development of every student. Monthly cultural/entertainment programmes are organized in the campus. Leadership training programmes are held frequently. Student Nurses Association provides plenty of opportunities for developing organizational and leadership skills of students. Various cultural and health related events and /or days are celebrated in the campus.